50 Shades of Transdisciplinary Entrepreneur

Ansı Rona-Bayıldıran
4 min readJul 29, 2021
Photo by Johnson Wang https://unsplash.com/@jdubs

Whoever you are — an expert (who knows a lot about a bit), one of the mythical unicorn-like T-shaped people (experts, but also generalists) or a naive generalist (who knows a little about everything), we deal with self-doubt and (at least from time to time) question our own worth.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while. Lately, it emerges again as I simplify my resume with my skills…



Ansı Rona-Bayıldıran

Startup Coach | Growth strategist unifying service design, data and consumer behaviour to build loved products, mum of 3, Stoic, Londoner— in Omnia Paratus